Fort Wayne Branch, AAUW Trust
P.O. Box 10993, Fort Wayne, IN 46855
Grant Final Report
(Please provide three clear printed copies)
Date Grant Accepted_______________________________________
Organization or Individual__________________________________________________________
Social Security Number or Federal Identification Number___________________________
Project Director____________________________________________
City__________________________________ State____________ Zip Code_________________
Primary Phone Number ____________________________ Cell Number ____________________
Amount of Grant $_________________ Amount Used $______________________
Amount Unused $__________________ (Make check payable to Fort Wayne Branch AAUW Trust and present said check to the Trust treasurer at the time of the final report presentation.)
General Project Description:
Major Results of Project:
Final Grant Report 1 of 3 revised 2015
Was the project completed as detailed in the grant application? _____yes _____no
If ‘no’, explain
Describe importance of the project to the needs of the community (for AAUW recipients: to AAUW):
What are the long range implications of the project?
How did you publicly acknowledge the financial support of the Trust?
Grant Final Report 2 of 3 revised 2015
Project Accounting (attach copies of all invoices and receipts to the original copy of this report)
Expense Items Income amount by source:
—- AAUW Trust Other In-kind Subtotal by item
Sub totals: AAUW: ____________ other: ___________ In-kind:___________
Total Project Cost: __________
Attach other information, such as printed materials, of interest, not covered in the questions.
Printed Name of Submitter: _____________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Grant Final Report 3 of 3 revised 2015