Online Payments

Choose a button below to make a payment by clicking “Add to Cart”. The shopping cart will apear here at the top of this page. You can add multiple dues. When you are ready to pay click “Checkout with PayPal” (bottom left) and on the next screen you can choose “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” below the login (you do not need a PayPal account, you can use your bank card).

Print renewal form here to mail.

Regular Annual Dues $ 99.00 = National AAUW $72.00 + State $7.00 + Branch $20.00 ($103 online)

State Dues $7.00 (7.24 online)

Branch Dues $20.00 ($21.03 online)

All donation opportunities start at $20.00. Click add to cart and then you can add to that in increments of $20.00 in the cart.

Donation to Branch

Donation to AAUW

Donation to LAF

AAUW Branch Meeting

Saturday, March 15th 2025

@ Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana- Michiana

Click the button below and sign up at SignUpGenius ↓